Bowel Diversion Surgery
Bowel diversion surgery permits stool to safely leave the body when, because of disease or injury, the large intestine has been removed or needs time to heal. Bowel is a general term that is used to describe any part of the intestine, namely the small intestine (small bowel) or large intestine (large bowel).
Bowel Diversion surgeries Include:
Ileoanal Reservoir
Continent Ileostomy
Bowel Diversion Surgeries Affect the Large and Often Small intestine
Large Intestine
The large intestine is about 5 feet long and runs from the small intestine to the anus. The colon and rectum are the two main sections of the large intestine. Semisolid digestive waste enters the colon from the small intestine. Gradually, the colon absorbs moisture and forms stool as digestive waste moves toward the rectum. The rectum is about 6 inches long and is located right before the anus. The rectum stores stool, which leaves the body through the anus. The rectum and anus control bowel movements.
Small Intestine
The small intestine runs from the stomach to the large intestine and has three main sections: the duodenum, which is the first 10 inches; the jejunum, which is the middle 8 feet; and the ileum, which is the final 12 feet. Bowel diversion surgeries only affect the ileum.
Differences in Bowel Diversion Surgery
Bowel diversion surgery called "ostomy surgery" (colostomy and Ileostomy) diverts the bowel to an opening in the abdomen where a stoma is created. A surgeon forms a stoma by rolling the bowel's end back on itself, like a shirt cuff, and stitching it to the abdominal wall. An ostomy pouch is attached to the stoma and worn outside the body to collect stool.
Other bowel diversion surgeries reconfigure the intestines after damaged portions are removed. For example, after removing the colon, a surgeon can create a colonlike pouch out of the last part of the small intestine, avoiding the need for an ostomy pouch.
Conditions Treated
Bowel diversion surgery may be used to treat the following conditions:
Bowel obstruction
Colorectal Cancer
Crohn's disease
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Ulcerative colitis
Types of Bowel Diversion Surgery
Ileostomy diverts the ileum to a stoma. Semisolid waste flows out of the stoma and collects in an ostomy pouch, which must be emptied several times a day. An ileostomy bypasses the colon, rectum, and anus and has the fewest complications.
Colostomy is similar to an ileostomy, but the colon-not the ileum-is diverted to a stoma. As with an ileostomy, stool collects in an ostomy pouch.
Ileoanal reservoir surgery is an option when the large intestine is removed but the anus remains intact and disease-free. The surgeon creates a colonlike pouch, called an ileoanal reservoir, from the last several inches of the ileum. The ileoanal reservoir is also called a pelvic pouch or J-pouch. Stool collects in the ileoanal reservoir and then exits the body through the anus during a bowel movement. People who have undergone ileoanal reservoir surgery initially have about six to 10 bowel movements a day. Two or more surgeries are usually required, including a temporary ileostomy, and an adjustment period lasting several months is needed for the newly formed ileoanal reservoir to stretch and adjust to its new function. After the adjustment period, bowel movements decrease to as few as 4 to 6 a day.
Continent ileostomy is an option for people who are not good candidates for ileoanal reservoir surgery because of damage to the rectum or anus but do not want to wear an ostomy pouch. As with ileoanal reservoir surgery, the large intestine is removed and a colon-like pouch, called a Kock pouch, is made from the end of the ileum. The surgeon connects the Kock pouch to a stoma. A Kock pouch must be drained each day by inserting a tube through the stoma. An ostomy pouch is not needed and the stoma is covered by a patch when it is not in use.
Which bowel diversion surgery is appropriate?
The type, degree, and location of bowel damage, and personal preference, are all factors in determining which surgery is most appropriate. For example, people whose disease affects the ileum are poor candidates for ileoanal reservoir surgery or continent ileostomy because of the increased risk of disease recurrence and the need for pouch removal.
Some people only need a temporary bowel diversion; others need permanent bowel diversion.
Social and Psychological Issues
Although bowel diversion surgery can bring great relief, many people fear the practical, social, and psychological issues related to bowel diversion. An ostomy nurse is trained to help patients deal with these issues both before and after surgery. People living with an ostomy or who need bowel diversion surgery may also find useful advice and information through local or online support groups.
Points to Remember
Bowel diversion surgery allows stool to safely leave the body when-because of disease or injury-the large intestine is removed or needs time to heal.
Bowel is a general term for any portion of the small or large intestine.
The type, degree, and location of bowel damage, and personal preference, are all factors in determining which bowel diversion surgery is most appropriate.
An ostomy nurse can help patients deal with the practical, social, and psychological issues related to bowel diversion
Text on this page, were reproduced, in whole or in part, from the websites of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at, the originator of the content. Any modifications, including explanatory or supplemental material, were added to enhance the reader's understanding.